Topic outline

  • Without violence


    Nonviolent communication is a way to prevent violence in relationships. The goal of nonviolent communication is to build a relationship based on openness and compassion. Compassion is an attitude to life. It involves empathizing with others, respecting them, and being able to pay attention to your own feelings and those of others. Regardless of the differences that exist. Nonviolent communication is a constructive way of dealing with differences based on respect and compassion.

    1. Divide students into teams of five to six people
    2. All team members think of a time when conflict occurred in their lives. Consider all the details in this situation.
    3. One team member takes turns telling about his conflict and two team members reenact the situation for the other team members.
    4. The rest of the team observes what happened, the feelings that arose and the needs that were not met. Then they think of a way to formulate a request for change for this situation.
    5. After a brief discussion, the two team members, who have played the situation before, play the situation again, but now taking into account the feedback from the other team members’ observations and naming the feelings, needs and requests according to the rules of nonviolent communication.

    Experience how nonviolent communication works in practice.

    By learning to communicate better, fewer conflicts arise in the lives of students. This allows them to better focus their attention on more important issues keeping them in charge of their own lives.

    Handouts of lists from the theoretical framework that relate to nonviolent communication.

    Ask the youth how they experienced nonviolent communication. Can they keep it up? Are they going to apply it in their daily lives? And if not, did they still get tools for having a better conversation?

  • Topic 1